A Place of Grace

A place where everyone is someone, and Jesus Christ is Lord!
This is where you will find our church family engaging people online.


Thank you for taking time to visit us here on the web! We hope you find the answers you may be looking for. Please feel free to reach out to us any time and we would be happy to assist you any way we are able to. Our prayer is that this website is a tool to draw you and others closer to the Lord and helps you better know how you can engage with our church family as we strive to reach the world around us for Jesus Christ!

Our Service Times...

Worship Service 9:00 am
Sunday Studies 10:30 am
Youth Group 5:30 pm

Church happenings...

We have various studies and events going on all week long. See how you can join with our church family as we fellowship!

What to expect...

Visiting our website is helpful and informative, but... visiting our church family in person is so much better! Find out what to expect here...

VBS is Coming!!!

VBS is just around the corner and we would love to have your child join us for an amazing adventure of "The Great Jungle Journey"!!! Discover more on our VBS page...

Awana Awards & Pie Night

Our Awana club year is drawing to a close. Our church family and all parents are asked to come for this time of celebration and fellowship. We'll begin at 6:30 on Weds., May 8.